(541) 383-1606
Our Waldorf inspired family childcare offers 1-5 days for children 6 months to 6 years and is designed to be as much like home as possible. Our goal is to provide a family environment that is nurturing, calming, and inviting.
While we understand that children often have a rhythm of their own, we begin to introduce them to the routine of daily, weekly, and yearly life. As the children play, a variety of chores and activities will be happening around them, and the children are free to join in or continue to play. We believe that children learn through repetition and imitative play, and our daily routines and activities provide plenty of opportunity for learning and imitation.
Children will also be given a wonderful opportunity to experience songs and stories through handmade puppets, and celebrate the seasons with circles full of movement and music. We want to nurture your children and give them the easiest transition from your home to ours.
Our Program